Hi. My name is Sara Middleton, and, in case we haven’t met yet, I am the new executive director of the Eagle Grove Area Chamber of Commerce. I intend to write these posts every so often (I haven’t nailed down how often yet–it will depend on my workload), to share and connect with you. I’m using this first post to tell you a bit about myself, and how I came to this fantastic, amazing, and crazy world of #chamberlife.
My most recent position before coming to work for the chamber was with Wright County Economic Development as a marketing specialist. I have also been a Library Assistant in the Preservation & Conservation Department at the University of Iowa Libraries (for over 11 years), a Research Analyst at a California media company focused on state and local government and education, and a Rehabilitation Analyst for the California Office of the Inspector General (I evaluated prison inmate rehabilitation programming through research and prison visits—it was fascinating).
So, why did I take this position?
First, I live here in Eagle Grove, and I love this town. I’ve felt more welcome and accepted here than in almost every place I’ve lived before, so I want to help our community be the strongest and most successful it can be.
Second, in my work for Wright County, I saw how much our large employers truly care about the communities where they are located. Our primary sector businesses are willing to commit their time and other resources to improving our communities, both to help build a quality workforce and just because it’s the right thing to do. It inspires me help as much as I can in this effort.
Third, I wanted to take what I learned about various areas of economic development and build upon the ones for which I felt the most passion: downtown revitalization and helping small, unique businesses that connect us to each other as a community. I’ve always felt a connection to those great downtown districts where you just feel good being there—I want that for THIS town.
This is the first of many little notes from me to you, in which I hope to share more about the “why” of what the Eagle Grove Chamber of Commerce, the City of Eagle Grove, and other related organizations do for the community. It is my deeply held belief that finding the “why” is how we get and stay inspired and motivated, and that communication leads to connection and understanding.
If you’d like to find your “why” by getting involved with efforts to improve our community, the Eagle Grove Chamber of Commerce is always looking for volunteers. We would love for you to be involved with us for as little or as much time and effort as you’d like to give, in any way you’d like to give it. What do you like to do? We will find a volunteer position for it.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss
Thanks for reading this. Take care. #myeaglegrove