Hi, Eagle Grove. Sorry I haven’t done one of these for a while, but as I was planning out the Chamber’s Christmas window display (hint: I CAN’T PUT MY ARMS DOWN!!), inspiration washed over me and I had to tell you about it.
Chambers of Commerce are working to change the holiday shopping mentality from just shopping small on Small Business Saturday to considering the entirety of it “Small Business Season” (read about it here), which I absolutely love because as part of the strategy it calls attention to the ONE THING we will always win at versus online and big box shopping.
I know, I know. You’re busy. You’re tired. Your job as a Small Business owner is one of the hardest jobs anyone will ever have. The Chamber sees how hard you work and knows the struggles you face, so if we’re asking you to do more it’s because it’s vitally important to your business.
Lean into the opportunity to be festive. Lean HARD. Don’t think of holiday decorating and resetting the store and participating in an event as nuisances. Don’t half-@ss it just to shut the Chamber up.
Think of it as a way to provide your customers and potential customers with a delightful holiday memory, and a warm fuzzy feeling about your business. Put up the lights. Make the people ooh and ahh. Put in the effort. Find the joy in all of it yourself.
The small-town holiday experience is something that big businesses ABSOLUTELY CLAMOR to replicate, and we have it authentically. We unequivocally win at this, and to be honest, it’s not even close. Small businesses offer charm, authenticity, knowledge, the ability to serve champagne to your customers on a Tuesday if you feel like it–meaning you get to have fun, and you should. That fun will bring people to you if you tell people about it. I promise.
So, when the Chamber asks you to decorate your windows, and participate in the Sip & Stroll, or any of the other silly things we come up with, please know that these things, done with joy and thought and care, will help your business and Eagle Grove.
Find joy in what you get to do and share it.
Now, let’s get out there and “Mayberry” the heck out of this Small Business Season. Find the joy in Fa la la Local, and as always #supportyourlocaleverything50533!