City Administrator talks about Eagle Grove Progress

Construction is well underway at the city’s new $21.8 million Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Bryce Davis has only been the city administrator of Eagle Grove for a little less than two months, but a busy 59 days it has been. When Davis went to work in his new role on December 26, 2017, he knew there were a lot of great things happening in this community, and he’s proud to say there is even more on the way.
Wastewater Treatment Plant “We are currently under budget,” Davis said of the Wastewater Treatment Plant under construction on the northeast side of town.
The projected $21.8 million – 25 acre (with extra land around for future use if needed) project is also right on schedule for construction, according to Davis.
Thus far, a $26,000 Change Order has been submitted for a Control Power Transformer and affiliated items to complete the circuit in the generators which are required by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Their purpose is to prevent environmental spills should there ever be a power outage.
“These types of change orders are expected though. It’s a big project,” Davis said.
As of last week, the selector walls for Oxidation Ditch #1 were poured, the solids processing building had all walls poured, and half of the aerobic digester walls were poured. The headworks wetwell foundation slab is also poured, and they expect the walls to be poured this week sometime, weather permitting.
Read the full story in the February 22 edition.  By Kim Demory

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Eagle Grove Chamber & Development
212 W. Broadway, PO Box 2
Eagle Grove, IA 50533

Phone: 515-448-4821
Fax: 515-603-6119